The American political system is based on the freedom of speech and the freedom of the press – allowing vigorous and unrestrained debate about public topics. To function properly, this system requires tolerance – people need to tolerate other viewpoints and other people who have those viewpoints.
A free and democratic society needs people to tolerate – but not to accept, support, welcome, or affirm – various political opinions. During an election, one voter must tolerate another voter’s views: but a voter is not required to accept, support, welcome, or affirm another voter’s beliefs.
In the case of the Communist Party (CPUSA), however, a terrorist organization presents itself as a political party. The CPUSA is not a party which exists simply to spread its ideas and nominate candidates. It is a terrorist organization.
The CPUSA seeks a “violent” revolution in the United States – it explicitly uses the word ‘violent’ in its documents – and is committed to sabotage and assassination. It is further a part of an intelligence network.
The larger international communist conspiracy of which the CPUSA is a part operates an espionage network with the goal of gathering confidential information from within the United States government and sending it on to hostile governments, and with the additional goal of planting operatives inside the U.S. government who can influence policymakers to make decisions which favor those hostile foreign governments.
The CPUSA, by calling itself a political party, seeks the protection of the first amendment, and seeks to garner the sympathy of a free and democratic society. But the CPUSA has no interest in a free exchange of ideas, and has no interest in free and fair elections.
This ruse has been successful. The CPUSA has fooled some Americans into believing that it is an organization interested in ideas, and has hidden its identity as a terrorist group and a spy network.
Historian John Earl Haynes, speaking of his work with Harvey Klehr, says,
Too-large of a segment of the academic world is inclined to a benign view of communism in general, and of the CPUSA in particular. They prefer to think of Communists as idealists interested only in social justice and peace. They resent historical accounts such as those Klehr and I produced that present archival documentation of the CPUSA’s totalitarian character and its devotion to promoting Soviet victory over the United States in the Cold War.
Those who’ve been fooled into believing that the CPUSA is peaceful and humane resist the preponderance of evidence which reveals the group’s true nature.
At the end of the Cold War, around 1990 or 1991, data became available as the Soviet Union crumbled. Information from Soviet intelligence agencies, and from agencies in various Warsaw Pact countries, showed a thriving communist spy network inside the United States.
Other evidence emerged as Cold War era documents within the U.S. government were declassified, and as former operatives began to recount their activities.
Specific information is now available about the activities, from the 1930s to the 1950s, of known Soviet agents like Alger Hiss, Klaus Fuchs, Julius Rosenberg, and others.
There is now no doubt that the CPUSA was funded and directed by the Soviet government in Moscow, and was a functional part of the Soviet intelligence apparatus. What seemed to be a political party was in fact a group bent on destroying the United States.